CDS (IGT/Aristocrat) Manuals
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The Regal Super 22 coin-operated Slot Machine by Aristocrat Automatics (Sales) Ltd. (circa 1960), and it's history and background, photos, repair help, manuals, for sale and wanted lists, and census survey is brought to you by The International Arcade Museum at the Museum of the Game. Aristocrat is an ideas company at heart, which means innovation is something we strive for across every aspect of our business. Whether we’re designing sleek new cabinets, thrilling animation or award-winning systems, we apply fresh thinking to deliver the world’s best games for our customers and for players everywhere. Slot Tech Magazine is a trade journal for the casino industry. We specialize in slot machine technology. 'It was the most useable info that I have gotten in 7 years as a slot tech.' Larry Budreau Ojibwa Casino in Baraga, Michigan.